CONTACT - Vidal Sassoon Alumni
Vidal Sassoon Alumni preserves and promotes Art Directors/Creatives, Tinters and Permers who were and are by nature, intrinsic to the legend hairdresser Vidal Sassoon.
Vidal Sassoon, Vidal Sassoon Alumni,
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About us

Est. In 2011. We are passionate about hair and we know this is matched by the passion of hairdressers the world over. The Vidal Sassoon Alumni is shaped through the ideas and vision of its 60 plus year history and united by a common goal and a common spirit – that lies between technical vision and creative enthusiasm.


The Vidal Sassoon Alumni ask all hairdresser’s with creative enthusiasm to register your interest and become members. We also encourage high profile individuals (art directors/ creatives, tinters/permers, writers, artists and their representatives) to join with us and take part in this endeavor.


Vidal Sassoon Alumni values, preserves and promotes the art of hair and those hairdressers who were and are by nature, intrinsic to the legend that is Vidal Sassoon.


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